If you’re a college student, an unexpected pregnancy probably wasn’t in your five-year plan. This throws a big wrench in your ideas about your future, but it doesn’t mean your life or future is over. Instead, it just provides an alternate path full of unknown possibilities … just like everything in life. As you navigate your options, we want to help you become fully informed so you can make the best decision for you.
What should I do now?
First, make sure you’re actually pregnant. A missed period or other indicators don’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant, and at-home pregnancy tests aren’t always accurate. You can schedule an appointment to meet with one of our staff members to get pregnancy testing to confirm your pregnancy and then discuss your next steps.
You have options
It’s important to remember that there are options! Many people in your life will have lots of opinions about what you should do, so if you need a safe and private place to learn about and consider all possibilities, schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member at Sage Women’s Clinic. We’ll share information about abortion, adoption, and parenting so you can know the facts and make the best decision for your future. Know that you shouldn’t feel pressured to make any one choice, and our advocates will answer any questions you may have about the decisions you have to make.
You are not alone
This can feel like a lonely road to walk, but know that you’re not alone. You don’t have to hide your pregnancy or walk this path alone. If you’re a college student, know that all of our services and resources are offered at no charge to you. We’re here for you!